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Wild Bird

Wild Bird


In the opening pages of this historical novel, sixteen-year-old Kate Harding is desperately trying to assist her mother who is about to give premature birth to a child in their home in the small colonial community of Victoria in 1861.The experience is gruelling for mother and daughter, and in the end, though a local midwife gets there in time to assist, the baby does not live more than a few hours. It&#39;s ironic because Kate&#39;s father is one of only a few doctors in the colony, but was out tending patients while his wife was going through this tragic ordeal. <p>Though <i>Wild Bird</i> is set 160 years ago, it has a lot to say to the readers of today. First of all, in its spotlight on a young girl&#39;s yearning to involve herself in meaningful work in a society that thinks women are little more than decoration, and household managers. Secondly, in the description of the way in which Indigenous people relate to the recently arrived settlers who are quick to turn on them when it suits. Finally, the story includes some historical figures who made a significant impact on the early history of Canada, portrayed in dynamic ways.Set 160 years ago it tells you much about a young girl wanting to do meaningful work in a male world